Monday, December 31, 2012

New Years at the Gym

I did nine miles yesterday. So, I really need a rest day today, which leaves me in a quandary because that means I either have to take two rest days in a row or go to the stupid gym on new years day, a prospect that I loathe. It is not going to get above twenty degrees here and will likely snow tomorrow, so going outside is really not a great option.

The nine miles was slow, but it got done.

Saturday, December 22, 2012

Busy, but Running

Did seven miles last weekend, and eight today. They were really good runs, some of the best runs I've had in quite some time. But it's slow. I've gained some weight, and am doing about 13 minute miles. It's all good, I'm feeling good and hoping Phoenix is going to be fun.

Today I put my Ipod on "All Songs" rather than my standard running playlist and made a resolution to not touch it for the whole run; no skipping songs! Which resulted in me running to everything from Bing Crosby (I have all my Christmas music on there right now) to Counting Crows and some god awful Christmas song called "Special Gift" which I didn't even know I owned, and that song was towards the end of the run too, so I felt like a real hero for not skipping it.

Now I'm off to wrap presents, Chris took the kids to see "The Hobbit" so I have about three hours to get it all done.

Sunday, December 9, 2012

God, people are helpful!

For the life of me I cannot find the post where I wrote about the lady at work that I run into sometimes at the gym and back a couple of years ago she says to me out of the blue while we are in the locker room "are you one of the weight watchers people?". I think it must be posted on my very old blog, and I haven't gotten those archives up anywhere.

Anyhoodle, so you'll just have to take my word for it that is what happened. I wrote about it at the time in the context of my body as a larger person is always assumed to be of public interest, and anyone and everyone feels free to comment on what I am putting in it, on it or through it, all in the name of being "helpful" or "encouraging", of course.

Anyway, so it was really rude and this person has since always been sort of on my shit list. I now know more about her than I previously did (previously I only knew that she worked for my same company but on a different floor and she went to the gym sometimes and walks on the treadmill at a precipitous incline and proceeds to make these little coughing noises that drive me insane). For example I now know her name and that she is the admin assistant to someone on our floor. I now work on the same floor as her. BUT, what we continue to NOT BE is friends. We have had some chit chat, and all of it has confirmed my basic low opinion of her.

So, earlier this week I was up at the front desk chatting with the front desk admin (who I like) and eating the candy she keeps up there. And this idiot comes along and we are all just sort of chit chatting. Then, the following exchange occurred:

Her: I've been meaning to talk to you.

Me: Oh?

Her: Yes, do you have asthma or anything like that?

Me: Um, no.

Her: Hm, well, you are really breathing too heavy when you run.

Me: Oh?

Her: Yes, I used to run and you shouldn't be breathing faster than you are running.

Front Desk Admin: (makes some kind of comment trying to mitigate the obvious rudeness of the situation)

Her (to the Front Desk Admin): No, really, she does! I'm on the treadmill right next to her!

Me: I usually don't pay much attention to my breathing, I just go.

Her: Well, the other thing is that, do you run flat?

Me: Sometimes.

Her: Well, if you just walked at incline you would burn a lot more calories.

At that point, I left. I feel good in that I can now just understand that this is clearly one incredibly rude individual and not make a universal issue out of it, but still, my god. The rudeness of people never ceases to amaze me. So, the next day there was this whole group of people up at the front desk (eating candy) and I join them for a moment, and the front desk gal made some comment about "make sure you aren't breathing too hard" or something like that, making a joke, and the other people wanted to know what happened (rude lady herself was not in the group) and I said "I was told yesterday that I was too heavy to be running" and the front desk gal was all "oh, no I'm sure that's not what she meant" and I was all "whatever, okay, I was told I am breathing too hard when I am running". So, now I am sure it is going to get all over the stupid office that this lady was rude to me and that I called out her rudeness to others (being too stunned to really call it out at the time it happened), and I'm fully expecting yet another stupid conversation with her where she will expound upon how NOT rude she was being and how she was just trying to HELP me.

Whereupon someone is getting hurt.

As for Vegas, there really wasn't much worth writing about. It wasn't a bad experience, but it wasn't terrific either and my time, while nothing to be ashamed of, was nothing to brag about either. The things that make that Vegas run so fun are also the same things that I don't like about Vegas, which is pretty much everything. But it's fun to run that strip at night. So, maybe I'll do it again, maybe not.

And now I have to start training for Phoenix. To that end, today I did six miles, but had to do it on the treadmill (at .5% incline) at the gym, since the high here today is only supposed to be 20 degrees and there is all kinds of snow and ice on the sidewalks. No good for running. Which made me remember why I haven't done the stupid Phoenix half since 2010, it's really hard to train for it when you live somewhere where it snows. So maybe I'll end up with lots of training on the treadmill, I don't know.

Saturday, December 1, 2012


Did my usual 5K route around my neighborhood last night, in an attempt to get "really" ready for this half.  Chris was talking about how I just don't seem that excited about it, but the truth is my feelings about it swing back and forth a lot. I am making a trip by myself to Vegas (which I can't decide if that makes me the coolest person ever or just a big loser) to run a race by myself. When I booked the whole thing I gambled that surely someone in my small circle of running friends would decide to join me, but I was wrong. The point being, I've never done this before, and so I'm not sure how I'll like it. I might decide it is the best thing I have ever done and proceed to do it every year, but I might decide I hate it and I'll never do it again. Hence, the not seeming too excited. Well, there's that and plus my training hasn't gone particularly well for this race, so I'm not counting on getting a great race time.

But regardless of any internal hemming and hawing, the race is going to happen, I am in fact going to run 13.1 miles tomorrow night. Hopefully I will have some fun while doing it, I think I will.