This is what we've dubbed this winter in our house. Several things have gone on in our household that can only be described by that word. They aren't life changing, they aren't THAT terrible, just.... disappointing.
Back in October when my training ramped up for Vegas, my lap band slipped again. I had some of the fluid pulled, everything was fine again, but since I had Phoenix already planned six weeks after Vegas, my doctor and I agreed that I would just come back after the Phoenix race for another fill. This meant that I spent three months with no restriction, and a whole bunch of holidays. Weight gain ensued. And I mean significant weight gain! Fifteen damn pounds! In three months!
So I've spent the last few weeks in particular feeling just terrible about the weight gain, which of course makes the whole thing worse because what works better to make you feel a little less upset about most anything in life? Ain't nothing better for that job than ice cream, amiright?
Anyway, so Chris and I had this theory about why my band kept slipping when I run a lot, and it involved the possibility of pushing my insurance company to deem skin removal a medical necessity. I was all geared up for this plan, and very convinced I was right, and went to my doc yesterday to discuss the possibility (and also to get this damn band filled!).
She threw cold water all over it, and I agree with her. She explained why it was very unlikely that what I was thinking about was the actual culprit (her explanation of what the culprit actually is boils down to "for some people this happens"), and it made sense to me. Still, very disappointing. I wasn't all THAT sold on skin removal or tummy tuck in any case (although I was willing to have it if it meant I could run all I wanted without my band slipping, but apparently it doesn't mean that), I didn't really want to have surgery and go through all that pain.
So, I am back to square one. But at least now I have my good restriction back with the band. I thought about it all day yesterday, and decided that while I can't keep doing two or three half marathons a year (and for god's sake, do I really WANT that??), there is really no reason why I can't do one a year. So, that is my plan. I will do one half marathon a year and the rest of the time just focus on general fitness, other goals, feeling good in my workouts and not putting so much damn pressure on myself because that really isn't helping with anything. So, my half for 2013 is already done, I did it on Sunday. I am thinking that next year I might decide to do the Colfax again, I really enjoyed that one. And if I am only doing one a year, that means I am only going through this unfill/gain weight/fill nightmare once a year. I can live with that. And it truthfully doesn't even mean I can't still do destination runs, which is part of what makes the whole thing so fun for me. In Phoenix this year, they had this mini-marathon option. I could do stuff like that. I can do the 5K and probably even the 10K without any issues (it's always when my long runs get above six miles that I start having issues with the band). So I'll try to keep that in mind. I actually remember it being quite fun to be the "cheering section" for my sisters when I went to Orange County with them and I walked the 5K while they did the half and the full marathon. I can totally be the cheering section for my sisters and/or girlfriends!
I would also like to focus on my weight. I hate doing that too much (although I certainly want to get back down to what I consider to be my "good weight" as quickly as possible after this three months of nightmarish eating). Maybe I could get below the "good weight" even. Truthfully, running very long distances doesn't help with that, despite what anyone would like to believe. I actually would stand before God and say that running that much only makes it more likely that you'll GAIN weight, but I know the matter is a topic of much controversy. But my experience has been that it certainly doesn't help me LOSE any weight.
Anyway, here's hoping the Winter of Disappointment turns around soon!