Saturday, February 11, 2012

Conspiracy Theory

I feel like the universe is conspiring against me and my exercise goals this week. I have run a grant total of 4.5 miles (all on the treadmill) so far this week. Pathetic! Tuesday and Thursday were both semi-legitimate rest days, but yesterday I just ended up getting caught up in work and then we had to go to dinner and that was that. Thursday had to be a rest day because we had birthday festivities and a school function to attend, and husband was traveling again this week so Monday through Wednesday were difficult, even though short runs were managed. The entire week was made difficult by stupid work, where they actually expected me to, you know, WORK. What a bunch of assholes!

Anyways, so I woke up this morning thinking I would run outside while the boy was in his martial arts class, but alas, I woke up to a gray sky and more goddamn snow. More importantly, it is all of 10 degrees outside, and my thought had been that by the time the class started (9AM) it would be warm enough (over 25 degrees) to run outside, but that is just not going to happen, since I'm guessing that the sun won't even be out by then and my husband (the designated family weather checker, which explains why every time he travels I end up being caught off guard by crazy weather that I didn't prepare for) informed me that the HIGH for the day was only supposed to be 26 degrees. So.

Off I will go to the gym after taking care of the boy's martial arts lesson needs, to do more treadmill running. Perhaps I can crank out more than two miles this time. But frankly, given how the week has gone, I'm not holding my breath.

The good news is, next week I will be in Oklahoma, where the weather internets tell me it is going to be downright balmy with highs in the 50's and lows in the 40's. It might rain on Wednesday, but I will run in the goddamn rain if it is going to be that warm, no problem.

Of course, Oklahoma is also the home of the fried pies that I am so fond of, so here's hoping I can run enough miles to work off some of them!

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