So I guess now we can move on to the real challenge, which is keeping it there or even, goddess forbid, losing NEW weight.
It's been a pretty easy thing lately around our house, since my boy has to cut a bit of weight for football. Endless talk has thus ensued about how to lose real weight, how to lose "fake weight", and basically very small dinners for everyone, since we all want to support him. He is only a couple of pounds away and we aren't doing anything terrible, just so nobody is concerned. Just eating less and absolutely NO junk food. He doesn't have to do this forever, he is allowed to "gain" a pound a week, so the worst thing that can happen is he'll have to sit out a game and then by the next week he'll be all set. I'm irritable with Pop Warner for putting him in this division, since he was over the weight limit for it when we signed him up, but that is a whole other Oprah.
Anyhoodle, I ran 4.1 miles while he was practicing last night. He practices in this other suburb of Denver, called Parker. And here's what's weird.... I've run there twice now, while he is practicing and both times, it has been late evening, and I have not passed a single other runner. In four miles!! Here in Castle Rock, you see other runners no matter when you run or how far, there are ALWAYS other runners out and about. The area in Parker seems to be pretty wealthy, judging by the houses, so WTF Parker? All wealth and no health?