Sunday, August 12, 2012

Wins and Fails of the Fast

"Well this is just a simple song
To say what you done
I told you about all those fears
And away they did run"
-Simple Song, The Shins

Win: My rituals. They were so helpful and really an awesome way to help me keep this in perspective, and ultimately made it, I think, successful.

Fail: Daily meditation.... y'all I just do not like it and I am no good at it!! But I did try.... sometimes.

Win: Food. As in, it wasn't about food most of the time. I didn't even think about it most days, which is a real victory.

Fail: Weight. As surprisingly easy as it was to stop eating, it was almost unbelievably hard to stop weighing. I mean, to the point of making me crazy! And even though I did stick with my resolution and did not actually weigh myself (and don't get me wrong, even though Chris hid our home scale, there are scales both at my home gym and at my work gym, I could easily have done it), it was really hard to stop thinking about it, especially during the hard times when I was really hungry and most wanted to eat, which is understandable, I suppose, but still made it hard to focus on what matters. I suspect that had I done a better job with the daily meditation, it may have helped in this area, I'll have to keep that in mind for next time.

Win: Exercise. I kept exercising, but moderated it for my weakened state... a definite win. I was concerned about losing ground on fitness if I did this, but I really don't think I have, or if I have I will make it up quickly.

Overall, I think a successful exercise and very helpful in hitting the "reset" button on my addictive eating patterns. Time will tell for sure, I guess, but I am hopeful.

Training for Vegas starts tomorrow! I am making up a training schedule today. Did 3.1 miles today, which were not as slow as Friday's miles, which is good.

Okay, I'm off to eat a poached egg and a piece of whole grain toast, which I am sure is going to taste and feel like a feast for the Gods.

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