Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Chasing Rabbits

I got out early this morning. It was 27 degrees here, so just on the edge of what I am willing to do outside. It never got warmer while I was running. I was up early enough to get to the gym, but I knew that if I did that I would just spend the whole time staring out the windows and telling myself that I could have and should have gone outside.

Anyways, I did 4R/1W intervals today, for three miles and it went well. I knew that nemesis hill would be a problem at these intervals, so I did some proactive stuff just before getting to it like picking out the best song and consciously telling myself to go ahead and breathe like a steam train (sometimes I have to really remind myself of this because I will find myself trying to limit my breathing out of self consciousness or insecurity). And I did it and when I topped the hill I was all "Ha, take that nemesis hill, you won't beat me today!" My time was not super fast, but I have noticed that when I increase intervals, it does not reflect on my time right away (leading to discouraging thoughts about why the hell I am trying so hard), but if I just keep at it, it starts to lead to faster times, it just doesn't happen right away.

So, it was a pretty good run. I was chasing rabbits, who don't seem to be able to get out of my way quickly which surprises me, I mean this is a 188 pound woman coming at you breathing like a steam train, not some swift coyote. But I like seeing them, they remind me that Spring is almost here.

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