Thursday, March 22, 2012

My Fitness Enemy

My Fitness Pal is making me a bit crazy. It has my goal as 1450 "net" calories a day, in order to lose one pound a week, and when you log your exercise there, it adds to your "net" calories, so you earn more calories.

This system is, quite frankly, not working for me and is making me a bit crazy. I really like their food database, though. It is easy to use and you can really and truly easily track your calories, which I really like and I have never found on any other calorie counting system (and I've used plenty).

But 1450 is simply not enough food for me, period end of story. And then I go over and it causes me to act in all kinds of dysfunctional ways with food. It also impacts my exercise, since exercise becomes not so much about feeling good and healthy but about earning more food, so I make unhealthy decisions, such as not resting on a day that I really should rest, because then I won't have enough calories. And, just to add icing to the crap cake, all of this is resulting in my not losing weight but gaining it! Huzzah!

So, I'm saying fuck all that shit. I changed my goal on the site to be 1800 calories per day and I'm just not going to log my exercise there at all. So, my goal is to stay within 1800 and presume that I will have a nice and slow weight loss (as usual), and stop with the whole connecting exercise to being rewarded with more food, because that is just garbage.

We'll see how it goes.

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